Relentless Pursuit Of


Charged With Discipline Or Ethical Violations? I Can Help.

If you are facing a disciplinary action, censure, probation or revocation of your health care professional license, you need an attorney who is capable of aggressively representing you. For the last 40 years, Nicholas A. Balland, Attorney at Law, has been providing strong professional licensing defense for a wide spectrum of professionals, including health care workers such as doctors, dentists, pharmacists and chiropractors.

Call 703-522-0597 or contact me online to arrange for a free initial consultation where we will evaluate your case.

What Do I Do If I Have Received A Letter From My Licensing Review Board?

Most of these letters have a very short time frame between the date of receipt and the date that you must appear in front of a board for your defense. Get in touch with an attorney who is experienced at handling licensing defense issues.

What Are The Different Consequences?

The consequences can include:

  • Permanent license revocation
  • Temporary license suspension
  • Reciprocal licensing issues
  • Probation with terms, probation without terms
  • Fines

Who Is Subject To Sanctions?

Anyone who has a professional license may be subject to sanctions. This includes anyone in the health care industry, including doctors, dentists and nurses, and those in the mental health fields.

Who Can Bring Charges Against Me?

People who can report a complaint to the health care licensing board include fellow colleagues, patients, anyone that has experienced a bad result or witnessed what they consider to be professional malpractice. A dental patient who believes he was not treated for periodontal disease may bring a complaint. A chiropractic patient who believes she received unnecessary or harmful care can bring a charge.

Contact A Licensing Defense Attorney Today

Please do not delay calling me to arrange for a free initial confidential consultation: Call 703-522-0597 or send me an email now.