Cerebral palsy is a medical condition that can impact muscle tone and posture. Parents may suspect their child has this disorder during infancy or later during preschool and early elementary years. Parents may notice their child has a limpness in one side of the body...
Relentless Pursuit Of
Month: April 2021
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What penalties will I face for a DUI in Virginia?
You may head out to meet some friends on a Friday night for dinner and a few drinks. Maybe it’s been a long time since you’ve been out on the town and you get a little carried away. You have more than a few craft beers, but you think you are fine to drive home. Yet...
A vehicle crash, your spinal cord injury and what to expect
Vehicle accidents, including seemingly minor rear-end collisions, are a major cause of spinal cord injury. You may not know much about this kind of injury, so if you should suffer SCI, what can you expect in terms of treatment and recovery? About the spinal cord The...